Planning advice
of a restaurant

Many standards must be respected and many regulatory constraints exist for the layout of a restaurant. This includes accessibility and safety standards as well as the HACCP standard which concerns the kitchen. Thus, here are some tips and information that will allow you to learn more about the layout of a restaurant if this is your project.
Regulations, standards, constraints for the development of a restaurant
The development work for a restaurant is like for a commercial premises, therefore essential. A restaurant is forced to follow specific rules and standards to obtain its authorization to open. The standards for a restaurant revolve around the room and then are for the kitchen.
For the room of a restaurant, the standards of accessibility and safety as for all the establishments which receive public (ERP) are thus relative to the law n°2005-102 of February 11, 2005 on the ERP.
The room must be accessible to people with disabilities and, in this context, it must therefore offer access from the outside equipped with a gently sloping ramp, wide doors suitable for wheelchairs, equipped and accessible sanitary facilities, a bank of reception with reinforced lighting and PMR approved. For the exterior, if there is parking, this must provide at least 2% of the spaces for disabled people. Safety standards also concern fire doors, fire extinguishers and electrical installations, all of which allow a future catering establishment to comply with standards and obtain operating permits.
For the other obligations, there is also that of making a cloakroom for the staff.
As far as the kitchen of a restaurant is concerned, HACCP standards must be respected. HACCP means: “Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point”, or for a French translation: “analysis of hazards and critical points with a view to their control”.
HACCP standards for a restaurant kitchen
Always in the context of the layout of a restaurant, but here, more particularly for the kitchen which must comply with HACCP standards, there are always some principles valid for many situations, even if, very often, the projects can also vary on certain points.
Among the principles that are true in all situations are:
The principle "from dirty to clean" or also known as "moving forward" which involves the direction of circulation of dirty dishes andclean dishes, basically, these two types of dishes, should never cross.A precise direction of circulation is thus planned.
The principle of disinfection which thus requiresthe floors, the walls of a kitchen must be smooth, waterproof and easy to maintain,anti-slip floor, skirting boards with grooves are recommended, a central drain to evacuate the cleaning water is also recommended. For the walls, they are made of stainless steel or tiles, the ceiling must also be washable, the food premises are ventilated and ventilated.
The principle ofthe separation of spaces which stipulates that all work spaces must be well planned. This concerns cooking, cold preparations, hot preparations, vegetable preparations, dessert preparations, etc.
The diving area is also separated from the preparation and production sector, as well as the storage of all the ingredients which also has specific and compliant locations (cold room, dry space) and finally, the waste sector is also ventilated, separated and equipped with a water point for cleaning.